Custom Scleral Fitting Using Profilometry
Alex Gibberman, OD, FAAO; Troy Miller; Reinier Stortelder, BOptom
Designing a scleral lens with two recesses to avoid two pingueculae
Bradley Richlin, OD; Reinier Stortelder, BOptom
Are all sagittal measurements created equal; SMap, Pentacam and Eaglet
Stephanie Gee, OD, MPH
Back-Surface Toric Scleral Lenses Stabilization as a Function of the Amount of Toricity
Javier Rojas OD, FAAO, FSLS; Javier Sebastián OD; Reinier Stortelder, BOptom
Intra- and Inter-Visit Repeatability of a Contemporary Corneoscleral Topographer
Gabriella Courey, OD; Marie-Michèle Dupuis, OD; Patrick Simard, OD MSc MBA FAAO FBCLA; Langis Michaud, OD MSc FAAO (Dipl) FSLS FBCLA FEAOO
Meridional Differences in Sagittal Height at 12mm and 16mm chords
Jason Jedlicka, OD, FAAO; Stephanie Gee, OD
Repeatability of Scleral Topography Using the Eye Surface Profiler
Jason Jedlicka, OD, FAAO; Stephanie Gee, OD, MPH
Precise MicroVault designing utilizing Profilometry
Reinier Stortelder, BOptom; Kyriakos Telamitsi, BSc (Optometry)
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